Monday, September 6, 2010

Book Review: Creating Fashion Accessories

I started sewing for my dolls when I was about six year old. Creating outfits from articles of clothing that I had outgrown. At age eleven I started machine sewing. The first project I machine sewed was a pillow case, which I further hand embroidered with a yellow floral pattern. Ever since then, my love for sewing and creating has grown into a passion.

Over the years I have developed an extensive sewing, craft, and decorating library. Each year I continue to add new books and other resources to my library, and I have found these resources very inspirational and full of sewing and creative design techniques.

I have had a copy of "Creating Fashion Accessories" for many years. I used it extensively when I first learnt how to sew fashion accessories, and I often suggest it to new students. I particularly recommend it to younger sewing students, because it has fun projects that are simple and easy to create.

It is a simple book to follow, with great picture illustrations and step-by-step instructions. You are guided through the steps of how to add a zipper, draft a basic hat pattern, sew a drawstring purse and much more.

I have seen copies of this book at many different shops, but for those who enjoy shopping online you can try Amazon or Chapters-Indigo for a copy.

Creating Fashion Accessories by Singer Sewing Company (ISBN 086573285X)

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